Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Walt Disney World's Pin Trading

Disney's Pin Trading


WDW Pin Trading is one of best ways to experience Disney's and connect with guests and Cast Members


                           Here are the rules which there are very few for pin trading

* Pins must be metal, undamaged and have the Disney Logo on the Back
*Pins must have their own back, but usually Cast Members will keep the back of the pin they have and you will keep yours as you trade.
*Guests cannot trade name pins, or plastic pins with Cast Members, or pins with clasp  style backs.  (I understand WDW is no longer trading pins that are older than the 80's I will be verifying this on my trip coming up and updating this post about this point)
*Guests may trade with each Cast Member (2)  times per day. However this rule does not apply between guest

* Guests who are ages 3-12 look for green lanyards and green hip lanyard. These are for   "Kids Only" and usually have the harder to find pins. 
** The regular lanyards are black.**
*Avoid touching a Cast Member's trading pins, politely request from the Cast Member or  Guest wearing the lanyard if he or she will bring it closer for a better view.  
* Be sure you offer the Cast Member or Guest a pin that they are not showing on their lanyard.
* No money or gifts can be exchanged for pins.
*Pins from other Disney, Disneyland Resorts, Walt Disney Resorts, are trade able.
*Host/Hostess Badges, Trainer Pins, Disney Service Award Pins, Spirit Disneyland, Partner Excellence, Cast Member Costume Pins (Name Tags, Etc.) are not trade able  

Disney Pins come in all shapes and sizes, with every Character you that can imagine. If you think of it you and search long enough you just might find it.  

When you see a pin turned around on a lanyard this is a "Blind Trade" this is when a Cast Member or guest has a pin turned around. This is where you will trade one of your pins for that pin without knowing what it is. This pin almost always is a GREAT pin. I have always encountered the greatest pins.  A fabulous place to find pins are in the resorts while you’re in the parks just ask around to when the "books" will be open the times vary from resort to resort. Each resort has its own book with different pins.  Jump right into your pin trading adventures. With a little time I am sure everyone will 
be experts in pin trading. Good Luck and have fun!

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